Madvilliany [2xLP]
Madvilliany [2xLP]
Madvilliany [2xLP]
Madvillian | Madlib | MF DOOM

Madvilliany [2xLP]

Regular price $38.00

Madvillainy, one of the most anticipated releases in underground rap history, happens to parallel one of the most anticipated arrivals in comic book history: the short-lived Amalgam Comics label.

As the name implied, the Amalgam Universe brought together the two most dominant and popular comic factions-- Marvel and DC-- and all of their respective characters, styles and quirks. The long-awaited collaboration between producer/emcees Madlib and MF Doom, Madvillainy is the Infinity Gauntlet of rap, a tense mainstream-meets-indie, avant-meets-antique melee that, as the opening sample suggests, plays on a "seminal connection that audiences can relate their experience in life with the villains and their dastardly doings."

Madvillainy Review

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