Wilder Woods - Record of the Month Reservation
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Magnolia Record Club is a monthly subscription vinyl service. Ordering this product will reserve your February Record of the Month - Wilder Woods' Curioso – shipping in early March. This purchase does not create a recurring subscription. International users cannot purchase this item.
If you already have a record club subscription, do not purchase this, you do not need to do anything further to be sure you get this record.
Curioso, Bear Rinehart's third solo release as Wilder Woods, unapologetically explores all the curious corners of Rinehart's sound, powered by his genre-bending approach to anthemic American music. It's a wide mix of texture, razor-sharp songwriting, held together not by some lyrical thread or overarching story, but simply by the enthusiasm of a longtime musician who's still eager to stretch his legs and cover new ground.